Vamos terminar a semana com uma review. Como eu sei que vocês andam sempre à procura de novos produtos, novidades a preços acessíveis e que realmente funcionem, hoje quero falar-vos do Sérum para Pontas Secas da AVON (30 ml). A AVON já conta com uma grande gama de produtos para cabelo, mas este produto em especial surpreendeu-me. Como podem ver o frasco já terminou (isto é o que dá ter muito cabelo e necessitar de muita hidratação!) e mal conseguir vou comprar outro.
Let's finish the week with a review. Because I know you're always looking for new products with affordable prices and that really work, today I want to tell you about the Dry Ends Serum by AVON (30 ml). AVON already has a great hair range, but this specific product surprised me. As you can see the bottle is over (that's what happens when we have too much hair that needs a lot of hydration) and as soon as I can I'll buy another one.
Let's finish the week with a review. Because I know you're always looking for new products with affordable prices and that really work, today I want to tell you about the Dry Ends Serum by AVON (30 ml). AVON already has a great hair range, but this specific product surprised me. As you can see the bottle is over (that's what happens when we have too much hair that needs a lot of hydration) and as soon as I can I'll buy another one.
Este sérum é apropriado para todos os tipos de cabelo e, ao contrário de muitos produtos para o cabelo, ao aplicar não deixa o cabelo pegajoso, colado ou com aquela sensação de ficar molhado/oleoso. O cabelo fica muito hidratado sem ficar pesado, as pontas ficam mais cuidadas (embora continue a ser preciso um corte de vez em quando claro). Basta colocar duas ou três gotinhas na palma da mão, espalhar pelas mãos e passar no cabelo. Como é um sérum, basta colocar nas pontas e nunca na raiz, porque aí não haverá cabelo que aguente sem ficar oleoso rapidamente.
This serum is appropriate for all hair types and, on the contrary of a lot of hair products, when you apply it it doesn't leave the hair sticky, glued or with that wet/oily feeling. The hair gets really hydrated and not heavy, the ends look so treated (although you still need a cut once in a while of course). It's enough to put two or three drops on your hands, spread it and put it on your hair. Because it's a serum, it's enough to put it on the ends and never on the roots, because then there's no hair that lasts without getting oily.
This serum is appropriate for all hair types and, on the contrary of a lot of hair products, when you apply it it doesn't leave the hair sticky, glued or with that wet/oily feeling. The hair gets really hydrated and not heavy, the ends look so treated (although you still need a cut once in a while of course). It's enough to put two or three drops on your hands, spread it and put it on your hair. Because it's a serum, it's enough to put it on the ends and never on the roots, because then there's no hair that lasts without getting oily.
O frasco poderia ser um bocadinho maior? Sim, podia! Porém, a embalagem é bastante prática e o pump dá imenso jeito para apenas deitar a quantidade de produto que precisamos.
The bottle could be a little bigger? Yes, it could! However, the package is very practical and the pump is great so you can only drop the quantity of product you need.
The bottle could be a little bigger? Yes, it could! However, the package is very practical and the pump is great so you can only drop the quantity of product you need.
Já experimentaram? O que acham deste produto? Não se esqueçam de participar no passatempo com a Wonderfimo, podem participar quantas vezes quiserem! Tenham um excelente fim-de-semana!
Have you tried it? What do you think about this product? Have a fantastic weekend.
Have you tried it? What do you think about this product? Have a fantastic weekend.
Este post não é patrocinado. Todas as opiniões são pessoais.
This post is not sponsored. All opinions are my own.
This post is not sponsored. All opinions are my own.
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